“Just wanted to tell you that after my PQ interview I felt such a release. Trembling from Days my body all the way out my finger tips. Plus I had a vision of an outline of His face with an outstretched arm to me and I was a small child sitting on the ground. Days later I saw someone that I see all the time and they said there’s something different about you!!! I did have my first session and it was so powerful. Just a lifting of weight from the generations. I would encourage everyone to participate in this ministry. Things that I had either blocked out or forgot came to light. I can definitely say I am a different person!!!"
"Just wanted to tell you both thank you so much for your help with my deliverance and your prophetic words spoken over me. I am so excited to see my relationship with Jesus grow deeper and deeper every day now that the enemy is no longer holding me captive! It has already made such a difference spiritually and physically and I know it will only get even better from here. Thank you thank you thank you!! You ladies are amazing and God is doing amazing things through you!! I am forever grateful. Love you all so much "
"Can I tell you that I knew the enemy had me bound but I didn't realize how much until I walked into church on Sunday. For the first time in I can't tell you how long, I walked into the church on Sunday and did not feel an extreme tightness in my neck and chest. Now I know why. The enemy did not want me there worshipping even though I did anyway. I truly felt completely set free!! Tears flowed this time not out of shame but of pure joy! Amazing!"
"Can I tell you that I knew the enemy had me bound but I didn't realize how much until I walked into church on Sunday. For the first time in I can't tell you how long, I walked into the church on Sunday and did not feel an extreme tightness in my neck and chest. Now I know why. The enemy did not want me there worshipping even though I did anyway. I truly felt completely set free!! Tears flowed this time not out of shame but of pure joy! Amazing!"